Philip Bossert

, 1985, "Plato's cave", flatland and phenomenology, in W. Hamrick (ed.), Phenomenology in practice and theory, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 53-66.

, 1982, 'Philosophy of man as a rigorous science: a view of Claude Levi-Strauss' structural anthropology', Human Studies 5 (1), 97-107.

, 1976a, 'Hume and Husserl on time and time-consciousness', Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 7, 44-52.

, 1976b, 'Paradox and enlightenment in Zen dialogue and phenomenological description', Journal of Chinese Philosophy 3 (3), 269-280.

, 1975, Preface, in P. Bossert (ed.), Phenomenological perspectives, Den Haag, Nijhoff, pp. vii-viii.

(ed) , 1975, Phenomenological perspectives: Historical and systematic essays in honor of Herbert Spiegelberg, Nijhoff, Den Haag.

, 1974a, 'A common misunderstanding concerning Husserl's Crisis-text', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 35, 20-33.

, 1974b, 'A common misunderstanding concerning Husserl's crisis-text', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 35, 20-33.

, 1974c, 'The sense of the "epoche" and "reduction" in Husserl's philosophy', Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 5, 243-255.

, 1973a, 'The explication of "the world" in constructionalism and phenomenology', Man and World 6 (3), 231-251.

, 1973b, The origins and early development of Edmund Husserl's method of phenomenological reduction, Washington University, St. Louis.