Sergej Oushakine

, 2019, Shklovsky and things, or why Tolstoy's sofa should matter, in S. Gratchev & H. Mancing (eds.), Viktor Shklovsky's heritage in literature, arts, and philosophy, Lanham, Lexington Books, pp. 93-108.

, 2016, "Ne vzletevšie samolëty mečty": o pokolenii formal'nogo metoda, in S. Oushakine (ed.), Formal'nyi metod: Antologiia russkogo modernizma I, Ekaterinburg-Moskva, Kabinetnyj učënyj, pp. 9-60.

(ed) , 2016, Formal'nyi metod: Antologiia russkogo modernizma I: Sistemy, Kabinetnyj učënyj, Ekaterinburg-Moskva.

with Bradatan, C. (eds) , 2010, In Marx's shadow: knowledge, power, and intellectuals in Eastern Europe and Russia, Lexington Books, Lanham.

, 2009, 'Introduction: wither the intelligentsia', Studies in East European Thought 61 (4), 243-.

(ed) , 2009, Studies in East European Thought 61 (4).

, 2007a, 'Vitality rediscovered: theorizing post-Soviet ethnicity in Russian social sciences', Studies in East European Thought 59 (3), 171-193.