Alicja Kuczyńska

with Bańkowski, M. , 2010, 'The horizontal and the vertical in Henryk Musiałowicz's artworks', Dialogue and universalism 20 (3-4), 15-21.

with Łęcki, M. , 1981, 'In memory of professor Władysław Tatarkiewicz', Dialectics and Humanism 8 (2), 41-46.

with Petrowicz, L. , 1980, 'Art and morality: a study of personal patterns', Dialectics and Humanism 7 (2), 39-49.

with Łęcki, M. , 1977, 'Art as a form of human relatedness', Dialectics and Humanism 4 (2), 75-86.

with Petrowicz, L. , 1976a, 'Władysław Tatarkiewicz as a historian of aesthetics', Dialectics and Humanism 3 (1), 99-106.