Martha C. Beck

, 2019, 'Conservative women: bridging divides through meaningful dialogue', Dialogue and universalism 29 (3), 71-91.

, 2018, 'Plato's dialogues: creating friendship bonds for 2400 years', Dialogue and universalism 28 (2), 99-118.

, 2017, 'Neuroscience, ancient wisdom and the isud: is there anything new under the sun?', Dialogue and universalism 27 (3), 173-187.

, 2015, '"All human beings, by nature, seek understanding.": creating a global noosphere in today's era of globalization', Dialogue and universalism 25 (1), 148-161.

, 2013a, 'Systems thinking and universal dialogue: the creation of a noosphere in today's era of globalization', Dialogue and universalism 23 (3), 123-136.