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(1995) Transformation in the writing, Dordrecht, Springer.

"Nineteen-eighty-four" and surrender-and-catch

Kurt Wolff

pp. 194-203

What I am after I cannot hope to accomplish, for it is nothing less than to grasp our time and place. What I mean by "1984" is not the particular year nor Orwell's book, even though Orwell's book is pertinent to an understanding of our time. I will only present some vignettes and some aspects to illustrate my sense of "1984," and these will be the catch of my surrender to the topic ""Nineteen-Eighty-Four' and Surrenderand-Catch." The catch is the fulfillment of the hope that incapable of presenting the totum I may be able to present at least a small partem pro toto from which it might be possible to envisage one approach to the theme as a whole.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-015-8412-8_12

Full citation:

Wolff, K. (1995). "Nineteen-eighty-four" and surrender-and-catch, in Transformation in the writing, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 194-203.

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