Marjolein Oele

, 2017, Folding nature back upon itself: Aristotle and the rebirth of physis, in G. Kuperus & M. Oele (eds.), Ontologies of nature, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 47-66.

with Kuperus, G. (eds) , 2017, Ontologies of nature: Continental perspectives and environmental reorientations, Springer, Dordrecht.

, 2012a, 'Attraction and repulsion: understanding Aristotle's ΠΟΙΕΙΝ and ΠΑΣΧΕΙΝ', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 33 (1), 85-102.

, 2012b, 'Heidegger's reading of Aristotle's concept of pathos', Epoché 16 (2), 389-406.

, 2007a, Being beyond: Aristotle's and Plessner's accounts of animal responsiveness, in C. Painter & C. Lotz (eds.), Phenomenology and the non-human animal, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 29-37.