Tyson E. Lewis

with Kraehe, A. M. , 2018, Introduction: flashpoints—the breakthrough of sociocultural difference, in S. Travis, A. M. Kraehe, E. J. Hood & T. E. Lewis (eds.), Pedagogies in the flesh, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 1-14.

, 2018a, Giorgio Agamben, in P. Smeyers (ed.), International handbook of philosophy of education, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 29-38.

, 2018b, Stumbling, in S. Travis, A. M. Kraehe, E. J. Hood & T. E. Lewis (eds.), Pedagogies in the flesh, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 139-144.

with Travis, S. , Kraehe, A. M. , Hood, E. J. , 2018, Praxis, in S. Travis, A. M. Kraehe, E. J. Hood & T. E. Lewis (eds.), Pedagogies in the flesh, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 211-214.

with Travis, S. , Kraehe, A. M. , Hood, E. J. (eds) , 2018a, Pedagogies in the flesh: case studies on the embodiment of sociocultural differences in education, Springer, Dordrecht.