Jonathan E. Adler

, 2012, 'Contextualism and fallibility: pragmatic encroachment, possibility, and strength of epistemic position', Synthese 188 (2), 247-272.

, 2011, 'Bryan Frances, Scepticism comes alive', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 83 (2), 506-520.

, 2005, 'Epistemic justification', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 70 (3), 739-742.

with Levin, M. , 2002, 'Is the generality problem too general?', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 65 (1), 87-97.

, 1997, 'Constrained belief and the reactive attitudes', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 57, 891-905.

, 1993a, 'Reasonableness, bias, and the untapped power of procedure', Synthese 94 (1), 105-125.