Kurt R. Cline

, 2017, '"A quotation from Baudrillard": J. G. Ballard and the psycho-phenomenology of media in everyday life', Glimpse 18, 87-93.

, 2015, 'The message is the medium: Houdini and the unity of concealment and disclosure in Heidegger's Parmenides', Glimpse 16, 27-31.

, 2014, 'A phenomenology of 3-D cinema', Glimpse 15, 25-28.

, 2012, 'Twisted shadows: Ion Chaney, Tod Browning and the grotesque personae of circus and sideshow', Glimpse 14, 43-49.

, 2011, 'Phenomenology of the hoax: Orson Welles, alchemy and the lie that tells the truth', Glimpse 13, 37-45.

, 2009, 'Is seeing believing?: Harry Houdini and the role of magic in the development of early cinema', Glimpse 11-12, 33-42.

, 2007, 'Unmasking the simulacrum: Harry Houdinis exposes and the modernist meta-poetics of confrontation and exposure', Glimpse 9-10, 85-89.

, 2006a, 'Unmasking the simulacrum: Harry Houdini's exposes and the modernist meta-poetics of confrontation and exposure', Glimpse 8, 35-39.