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(1992) Synthese 91 (3).

Belief revision, epistemic conditionals and the Ramsey test

Sten Lindström , Wlodek Rabinowicz

pp. 195-237

Epistemic conditionals have often been thought to satisfy the Ramsey test (RT): “If A, then B” is acceptable in a belief state G if and only if B should be accepted upon revising G with A. But as Peter Gärdenfors has shown, RT conflicts with the intuitively plausible condition of Preservation on belief revision. We investigate what happens if (a) RT is retained while Preservation is weakened, or (b) vice versa. We also generalize Gärdenfors' approach by treating belief revision as a relation rather than as a function.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/BF00413567

Full citation:

Lindström, S. , Rabinowicz, W. (1992). Belief revision, epistemic conditionals and the Ramsey test. Synthese 91 (3), pp. 195-237.

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