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(2024) Metodo 11 (2).

La concept de mouvement dans l'Auseinandersetzung d'Eugen Fink avec la pensée grecque

Alexander Schnell

pp. 121-142

The aim of this contribution is to establish the role of movement in the reconsideration of ontology proposed by Eugen Fink in his 1951 summer semester course Nachdenkliches zur ontologischen Frühgeschichte von Raum - Zeit - Bewegung. In this lecture, first published in 1957, Fink successively discusses how Parmenides, Zeno of Aeneas, Plato and Aristotle approach the concepts of time, space and movement in the overall economy of ontology, and how they might be overcome in a cosmology. This refection on the notion of "movement" requires a simultaneous consideration of those of "space" and "time". The point is to see whether this approach actually leaves the framework of phenomenology, or whether it prepares a recasting of it with a speculative aim.

Publication details

DOI: 10.19079/metodo.11.2.121

Full citation:

Schnell, A. (2024). La concept de mouvement dans l'Auseinandersetzung d'Eugen Fink avec la pensée grecque. Metodo 11 (2), pp. 121-142.

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